First some numbers: Blood sugar levels while fasting should be below 90. If your fasting blood sugar levels are at 100, that is considered pre-diabetic by holistic health practitioners. Please note that most MDs consider 110 to be pre-diabetic.
- Squeeze 1-2 limes in the amount of water you should drink per day.
- Job’s Tears is a grain which is also known as Chinese pearl barley or coix seed or Yi Yi Ren in Chinese. Eat ½ cup of Job’s Tears porridge daily with 1 tsp of cinnamon for one month, then get your fasting blood levels re-tested.
- Red Hawthorne Berry (aka Shan Zha in Chinese) tea daily.
- Eat small but frequent meals. Eat every 2 hours.
- Add 1-2 teaspoons of cinnamon to your food per day.
- Dinner should be full of protein and healthy fat. Or, you can consume a protein or healthy fat snack before bed at around 8pm
- Keep a handful of almonds next to your bed and eat them when you get up to go to the bathroom at night.
- Eat 1 tablespoon of organic virgin coconut oil (Trader Joes) per day. Coconut oil improves insulin secretion and utilization of blood glucose and relieves stress on the pancreas and gallbladder.