- Take L-Glutamine. It’s a safe and cheap amino acid. An amino acid is the building block of protein. Take 500 mg 3 x day. It should work within 10 minutes. If it doesn’t, take another dose.
- Drink a glass of water with lemon or lime squeezed in it. Sometimes a sugar craving is really a dehydration signal.
- Eat a crunchy vegetable like cucumber, carrot, jicama, celery, bell peppers, etc.
- Increase your intake of healthy fats: avocados, coconut oil, nuts, coconut milk.
- Increase your intake of protein: turkey, chicken, eggs, beef, lamb, etc.
- Drink a glass of green juice (either fresh or a powder like Paleo Greens) daily.
- Massage the sore spot just below your inner knee on both sides. This is an acupressure point called Spleen 9. See image below.
- Take a deep breath and ask yourself what your body is really wanting.