“If you would have told me a year ago, that I would be doing a 5000 mile trip on my Harley this summer, I would have thought you were crazy (due to chronic back pain). I was skeptical about acupuncture at first but now I am constantly singing its praises.”
“Elie has a natural talent for acupuncture. She is attentive, sensitive, and welcomes my input. Her background in massage guides her through the layers of muscles and she has a delicate sense of the fine acupuncture points. She has great hands.” – Ugo
“We’ve been blessed by your healing hands. Thank you for all the wonderful afternoons of stress relief. You have been an inspiration.” – Shelly & Robert
“I walked in to get a manicure by the same lady I see every month and she literally exclaimed, ‘Wow! Your skin looks radiant!’ I was almost embarrassed at her enthusiasm. And the friend I was with was pissed because she has spent thousands of dollars on Botox and she didn’t get the same reception that I got after only 3 cosmetic acupuncture treatments with Dr. Elie Cole.”
“I read the Paleo Solution and Primal Blueprint, but hearing Elie’s presentation and having the 30 day challenge and daily email support helped me truly internalize the information and build it into my daily routine.” – Lana
“When I went to my mom’s house on Thanksgiving, she looked at my face a really long time. She paused, and said my skin looks really good. I haven’t seen her for a couple months, so she’s a good barometer. My mom does not notice things like that! Then she stared at my face even longer and she said, “You should get me that cosmetic treatment, I want it done!”
She said my coloring looked good and I looked healthy.” – Ashlee, age 40
“Elie’s knowledge and intuition saved my life. She served as my healer before and after surgery, guided my anti-cancer pH diet and helped me get healthy again.” – Julie, age 27
“Dr. Elie is very holistic in her assessment and treatment planning. She brings confidence, knowledge and hope. She’s encouraging, accessible and creates a safe environment. I would highly recommend Dr. Elie to adults but also to adolescents, a group that we often dismiss as ‘just being teens,’ when in reality they may greatly benefit by Dr. Elie’s holistic healing (like my daughter did).”
“Thank you so much for being a source of light during a very dark moment in my life. Your service and care is deeply appreciated!” – A.R.
“I want to tell you that my “frozen shoulder” was thawed by you and your amazing skills. It is 99% cured! It was amazing what you did and felt like you released the monster. Haven’t look back since yet realize I need to thank you!” – Alison