“I wish I had met Elie years ago. My life would have been dramatically different!” – Laurel, age 65
“Elie’s nutritional advice has changed our lives. After 30 days my husband was able to get off two of his blood pressure medications. This is HUGE considering he was taking about 5 different meds and each one would cause other issues that required other medications. We both noticed we were sleeping better and had more energy within the first month. And I didn’t get a cold for a year.” – Shelly S.
“Dr. Elie has changed my life so much. Her nutritional guidance has been really helpful. At first I did not want to quit eating candy (it was harder to quit than cigarettes). But I trusted Elie, so I decided to change my diet. Now I am sleeping better, no more afternoon fatigue, my sugar cravings have gone down, my food even tastes better. I lost a bunch of weight (34 pounds). I don’t get sick with a cold anymore (it’s been over a year) even when my family is sick around me. My skin rashes have cleared up. I am thinking better, I am not as irritable. And my joint pain is better. I just feel so much healthier.” – Jana
“I was first diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2009. My prognosis is great, yet I struggle with chronic pain. My symptoms of fatigue and numbness have improved significantly since seeking treatment from Elie. I’ve incorporated dietary changes by following the Paleo diet, Chinese herbs, and weekly acupuncture. Most of my symptoms have completely resolved. I feel more and more energized on a daily basis, which is also very important for my job as a RN. It is quite an accomplishment, a struggle I thought I was just going to have to cope with. I want to thank Elie for helping me find a pathway that continues to be successful. Very inspiring and such a positive outlook for my future!” – Teresa
“Ever since taking your nutritional suggestions, now I open my fridge and it’s beautiful inside! It’s so colorful. It used to be bagels, English muffins, milk, leftover noodles, nothing I was excited to make. Now I am excited to get food out of the fridge. I haven’t even told my kids, and they haven’t even noticed the change. They used to come home with half a sandwich and now they come home and everything is gone out of their lunch box.” – Maile
“I experienced several family tragedies this past year and have been dealing with emotional stress, grief, and physical pain. Elie’s ability with acupuncture, as well as her innate caring, helped me find respite and relief from pain and sorrow. Thank you Elie.” – Susan
“I walked in to get a manicure by the same lady I see every month and she literally exclaimed, ‘Wow! Your skin looks radiant!’ I was almost embarrassed at her enthusiasm. And the friend I was with was pissed because she has spent thousands of dollars on Botox and she didn’t get the same reception that I got after only 3 cosmetic acupuncture treatments with Dr. Elie Cole.”
“Thank you so much for being a source of light during a very dark moment in my life. Your service and care is deeply appreciated!” – A.R.
“I usually have a hacking cough from November through May. I did the winter wellness treatment last summer and now it’s February and I haven’t coughed yet.” – Janet
“Dr. Elie is very holistic in her assessment and treatment planning. She brings confidence, knowledge and hope. She’s encouraging, accessible and creates a safe environment. I would highly recommend Dr. Elie to adults but also to adolescents, a group that we often dismiss as ‘just being teens,’ when in reality they may greatly benefit by Dr. Elie’s holistic healing (like my daughter did).”